Friday, October 30, 2009

D-Day - Monday Nov 2

So I went to the Dr's office yesterday for my 39 week visit and to see about delivery options for big lil baby Mr Man.

Short story is that despite all my hip/pelvis issues they think that I can push Mr Man out and will consider a C-section as a last resort (hallelujah).

My next concern was...but what if we have to do the C-section? How will this be determined? Knowing ahead of time that he's expected to be big, they're more willing to change up the situation sooner if it looks like I'm just not progressing at all or Mr Man gets "stuck" versus letting me labor on for hours and hours then doing it. I like that strat. While I'd like to avoid the C-section, I am realistic that it is a possibility and would rather deal with it sooner than later if it comes to it.

That all said, they also want to induce me - before he gets even more big. So, Sunday night at 10pm I check into the hospital and hopefully Monday (Nov 2nd) Mr Man will be born. Hurray!!!!!

I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited to meet my little man. I want to see what he looks like - the combination of Sam and I. I can't wait to see the fingers, toes and face he's been hiding on all those sono's we had.

As excited as I am, I've got to be honest in that I'm also a little sad. I've really had an enjoyable pregnancy and really liked having my passenger with me. Just he and I. Don't get me wrong, at this stage I'm veryyy ready to be done being pregnant. But I did find it really fun and really did love it. Before getting pregnant I couldn't understand why some women would say that. Now I do. Hopefully I'll get to experience it another time (or two?). :)

Its quite interesting to me how people treat you when you're pregnant. At first, when no one can tell - its just the daily routine as normal. But as that big beautiful belly starts to bulge out and its pretty obvious what's cooking inside, well...the comments and reactions are so funny.

The best reaction I had was at this Dutch Market near our house. I was coming out with my purchase (an obscenely buttered fresh baked pretzel and fresh squeezed lemonade) and this black man and his 2 lady friends were walking in. As I went to open the door, he snatched it open for me and yelled out "MAMA COMIN' THROUGH, MAMA COMIN' THROUGH" and parted the waves of people going in/out of the market for me like Moses parting the Sea. I nearly died. No one around could help but smile and chuckle.
Then of course come all the tidbits of wisdom and oohs/ahhs from other women. Nothing like a big 'ol pregnant woman nearby to get the conversation flowing. I'm curious as to what tidbits of wisdom is the most commonly received? I think mine by far was "enjoy the time now most when baby's hands are inside the tummy instead of all over everything else".

TLDR: Mr Man is being born on Nov 2 and pregnancy is fun.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Still waiting

I've spent the last few days with contractions - today nearly all day long. But they're on/off and not worth calling the doctor about. Boy do they wear me out!

Let me say that being able to work from home has been such a blessing. I can work when I have the energy and nap when I don't. I can also be OCD about stuff to finish before Mr Man arrives too! Oddly I find that I'm even more productive working from home than I was at the office. Who woulda thunk it?!
I talked with work and after maternity leave I'll be still working (albeit part-time instead of full-time) but will be at home 100% so that I can be a full time mommy to Mr Man. I'm very thankful for where I work and the people I work with that I can have this flexibility.

I must say, I resisted Facebook for years. I'm still not a huge fan - however I will give credit where credit is due. It has enabled me to reconnect with more than a few old friends and that's a good thing! Its so interesting to me, after being out of the loop the last few years, to see what people are up to, who is married, who has kids (and how many!), who is living where, etc. Its been so fun to read and see. I still like sending snail mail and cards however - to me there's such a sense of joy to open up the mail box and find amongst all the junk mail and bills a card/letter. So any friends out there, if you want to update me with your mailing address (hey include birthday/anniversary info) I'll send snail mail too! :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Regarding cooking

I'm sort of a novice at cooking. After several years of not really being allowed to cook, I can finally do so. So I'm learning.

One thing I've found though is that there are certain things you like in the kitchen and think 'wow self, how did I live without this before'. I have a few of those things.

This is one of them:
This is the oval pot from Rachel Ray's line. I absolutely love this pot for pastas, asparagus and all sorts of other neat things.

One other must have that I absolutely adore is from Crate and Barrel. Mine is plastic and not bamboo, but same price/place. Great for scraping all sorts of stuff off china, glass, non-stick pots/pans and etc. Anyways, spend the $1.95 and you'll love it as much as I do I'm sure.

Oh its been a while

Well as the title says, its been a while. I'm about 36 weeks now.

We've been to the hospital once - everything was right (severe contractions, 3-5 min apart, each lasting 1-3 min) but I wasn't dilated yet, so back home we went. I've been having contractions almost daily now for a week. Sometimes they last just 2-3 hours and sometimes they last 5-6 hours. But so far, none seem to be the "head to the hospital" type.

I'm also on a partial bed-rest/reduced activity. I'm not very good at this sitting still thing. My first day of bed-rest involved me cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming 2 floors of the house, doing 3 loads of laundry and cooking dinner. Apparently that's not what they meant by 'reduced activity'. I did sit for a while and take a couple naps though. That's good right? right?

So that's been this past week.

At my 34 week visit last week we had a standard sono performed. They determined that Mr Man was measuring in at 37.5 weeks from the body measurements they took. The sono tech kept saying "man this baby is HUGE". They decided to adjust my due date ahead a week (again) so that's why I'm now 36 weeks even though my 34 week scan was last week. Confusing...I know. They estimate that if I get to full term with him he'll likely be 10-11 lbs. Time to shift my birthing thoughts towards C-section if that's the case. Ouchie! I'd post his sono pics normally but he's so dang big they couldn't really get a good shot of him. They just look like blurs. Blech, not worth posting. You'll just have to wait and see him after he's born!

As for the time since the last post - nursery is all done. I was sort of obsessed to get the big stuff all done before 27 weeks (which I did). But now all the wall decor is up, all the clothes/blankets and stuff are washed. The diaper kit is all ready to go. Birthing class is done, hospital tour is done. Pediatrician has been selected. Only thing not done is that the earliest appointment we could get to install the car-seat is Oct 15th. We'll see if I make it. If not, Sam will be swinging by the local Fire Dept to have them check/install it in an 'emergency' situation.

Here's a pic of the nursery with furniture:

I was given 2 baby showers by family - one from my family in Seattle when we were there for the 4th of July and one a couple weeks back with Sam's family. Both were really great and Mr Man has so many adorable outfits to wear now.

Here's a pic from the Seattle shower:

My pregnancy overall has been really good. No morning sickness, no weird cravings, no weird smell issues, no back pain. Just hip pain that started towards the end of my 2nd trimester. I've been going to PT for it, which has helped a TON. Highly recommend it. One of these days I intend to do a long winded series of posts with my take on pregnancy. Some of the do's and don'ts and a lot of the stuff your girlfriends/family just frankly didn't tell you. But that's for later. Right now, here's to wishing this little guy arrives soon and is super healthy.
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